Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Delicious Indonesian Cuisine

Once you have filled your week with local food and fast enough, or you have been gone a month with food exhibitions in Europe and the world of the many restaurants located island wide, will be the time to visit one of the authentic Indonesian restaurant in Singapore's Traditional Foods. I think the word I would use to describe the food will 'feel'.

Meat is tender and the portions are always known to be very generous. They are no slouch when it comes to their good chicken, grilled or baked, they were freed from their fresh form with a variety of whole spices and chili that can make a very good dining experience. The meat just melts the bones and spices and peppers that they use only the beautiful, the explosion of flavor in every bite. Then how can we forget the 'Egg industry know', one of the signature dishes of traditional cuisine of Indonesia.

There are also 'Garang Asam', which is a traditional seafood soup made with a collection of spices such as lemongrass, chills and spices like ginger and a whole host of spices to choose from. Look for 'Sate Seasoning Ducks and Pigs', in essence, the Indonesian version of 'satay' popular found throughout Singapore. I do not think there is enough space in this article for me to list all major Indonesian food that you can try all in one day. Prices range from $ 20 and can go much higher, but you will always get value for your money. With a rich flavor, generous portions and a variety of foods

And the best thing is that in all Indonesian restaurants I've been to, the service was excellent, staff friendly and attentive and I do not have a bad experience what so ever. If you are looking for a good Indonesian restaurant to go to for lunch or dinner, and want to experience a crash course in Indonesian culture and taste some excellent food to them, I would recommend going to a place in the city and areas like Clarke Quay and the River Walk .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pulau Komodo (Komodo National Park)

Pulau Komodo (Komodo National Park) became a finalist "7 Natural Wonders of the World nuance" (7 Wonders of Nature). Thanks to the support of all, Komodo Island managed to advance to third round vote for the New Seven Wonders of Nature set aside approximately 440 nominations from 220 countries. Komodo Island joined 28 other participants from various countries. Determination of Komodo (Komodo National Park) as a finalist was decided by the "New 7 Wonders Foundation" on Tuesday, July 21, 2009.

New Open Word Foundation in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Partnerships based in Switzerland again held a vote to establish seven new natural wonders (New 7 Wonders of Nature). After the Borobudur Temple was eliminated in the determination of the seven man-made wonders of the world, is now the sole representative of Indonesia, which still survive in the category of the New 7 Wonders of Nature is the island of Komodo, after Lake Toba and Mount Krakatoa was eliminated in the first round in December 2008 set.

Indonesian society and the world who have committed first and second vote before July 7, 2009 and then, invited back to perform the third vote by using two methods: First, choose a way online through the website Secondly, choosing by telephone (IDD) by pressing +41 77 312 4041. Once the message is complete and the beep press the code 7717 to select the Komodo National Park.

Danau Toba

Lake of the three colors Flores which is located in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), where natural beauty and a view is bound to make you addicted to coming to Lake Flores or Lake Three Colours and a more impressive again, this lake is known to have three colors.

Flores Lake is a lake with a lot of stories and mysteries.

The lake is known by three colors, namely red, blue, and white. Even so, the colors are always changing over time. Now alone, two colors of the three lakes that are brown, while the other is green.

Flores is a combination word of "Keli" meaning mountain and the word "Quality" which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the Lake Flores has the meaning of each and have a very powerful natural forces.

Flores Lake located at an altitude of 1631 meters above sea level is located at the top of Mount (Flores). The lake is also included in the Park series Flores.

Various kinds of flora that can be found around the lake include kesambi (Schleichera oleosa), Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) and perennial flower Edelweiss. While the fauna around the lake, including deer (Cervus timorensis), Pig (Sus sp.), Forest Chicken (Gallus Gallus) and Eagle (Elanus sp.)

Lake or Tiwu Flores in the top three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. Lake of the red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick. While the lake is white or "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died.

Lake Flores who has three giant puddle. Each color has a puddle of water that is always changing every year. Water in one of three pools of red and can be dark green and red hearts, in other pools of dark green to light green, and in the three pools of brown-black to blue sky.

But on October 20, 2009, Lake three colors Flores, now turned into one color, namely green, from the original color of red, white and blue. It is also menggeparkan residents who live around Lake Flores who believes that the Lake water color change as a sign of natural changes will occur incredible to watch.

All people experience anxiety with the Lake discoloration. This belief is based on the experience in 1992, along with the change in color of the lake, an earthquake that shook the island of Flores, which claimed many lives. Change the color of this lake has happened before and suddenly.

Of the three lakes, the lake is blue, rarely changing color, so that fears of a disaster which claimed casualties. Concerns of this disaster will occur, not only occur in the region of Flores Island, but Indonesia. Therefore, the wonders of the world exists in Indonesia. Along the lake color changes in the last five days, he added, there was an earthquake that shook Saumlaki, so need to watch out for the next event.

The administrative, Lake Flores is in the 3 districts, namely Detsuko District, District and Sub Ndona Wolowaru, all three are under the auspices of the Regency Ende, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Due to become one of the flagship tourist attraction for local government, the accommodation in the vicinity of the lake is considered. There is a guard hut, shelter, shelter for visitors, public toilets, parking capacity that can accommodate about 20 cars, as well as several small guesthouses for tourists who want to stay.

But until recently, Lake kelimutu remains an interesting tourist attractions and much visited by local and foreign tourists.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


This province is one of the most densely populated areas of Indonesia. The city came into being in 1755, after the Mataram division into the Sultanates of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, wayang kulit (leather puppet), theater and other expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such batiks, silver and leather works. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Yogya's culture oriented society. ASRI, the Academy of Fine Arts is the center of arts and Yogyakarta itself has given its name to an important school of modern painting in Indonesia, perhaps best personified by the famed Indonesian impressionist, the late Affandi.

Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street or in the adjoining tourist area such Sosrowijayan Street.

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace). The Sultan's palace is the centre of Yogya's traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates the spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries. This vast complex of decaying buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within the city with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides. Yogyakarta is also the only major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.

Yogyakarta Special Region is geographically located almost equidistant from Indonesia's two most important international gateways, about 600 km from Jakarta and 1000 km from Bali. Yogyakarta also has excellent transport connections by bus, train or plane to the rest of Java, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok. Yogyakarta's Adisucipto Airport is in the process of changing its status in order to receive not only domestics' flights from Bali and Jakarta, but also direct charter and scheduled flights from other countries.

Geographically, Yogyakarta Special Province is situated in the Southern part of Central Java and lies between 7 degree 33' and 8 degree 12', South altitude between 110 degree and 50' East longitude. Some regencies of central Java Province surround the administrative boundaries of this region:
Southern East: Wonogiri Regency
Eastern: Klaten Regency
Northwestern: Magelang Regency
Western: Purworejo Regency
The Indonesian Ocean borders the Southern part of Yogyakarta. The borderline of the seashore stretches from West to East of which the length is around 100 km, started from Congot Beach in Kulon Progo Regency and ended at Sadeng Beach in Gunung Kidul Regency.

Climate and Weather in Yogyakarta
The average daily temperature range between 26 degree and 28 degree Celsius with its minimum 18 degree C and maximum 35 degree C respectively. Average humidity is 74% with its minimum of 65% and maximum 84% respectively. The Yogyakarta Special Region lays approximately 7 South of the equator line and is bathed in tropical; sunshine along the year. This region has a tropic climate the daily atmosphere feels a little bit hot and humid. These are only two seasons along the year, the wet or rainy seasons and dry monsoon. Usually the wet seasons begin at September and lasts about August. Generally there is no rainfalls from may to August and there fore the atmosphere feels hot and humid on the day and cool in the night and early morning. The monthly rain falling Yogyakarta varies between 3mm and 496mm in which those above 300mm take place during the month of January up to April. The heaviest rainfall usually occurs in February while the lowest commonly happens between May and October Average annually rainfall is about 1,900mm.

Populations of Yogyakarta
Based on 2000, the total population of Yogyakarta special Region amounted to 3.311.812. Yogyakarta Municipality that has 461,800 inhabitants spread over 32,50 kilometers or the average population density is thus over 14,200 persons per square kilometer. The least densely populated districts is in Gunung Kidul regency which has 720.643 inhabitants and cover 1,485 square kilometers or the density rate is 485 persons per square kilometer. Since a very long time ago the Provincial territory of Yogyakarta Special Region and its surrounding has been decently populated.
The majority residents of Yogyakarta Special Region are Javanese whose language derives from ancient Sanskrit. However, as Yogyakarta is considered to be "Indonesia's academic city" due to the numerous centers for higher learning, many of the inhabitants are student who come from all over Indonesia to study.

Culture of Yogyakarta
The culture Yogyakarta province with its status as a special region lies in the Southern part of Central Java, in the heartland of Javanese culture. As the former capital and the center of several kingdoms in the past, this region and its people are very rich in a variety of cultures. It is widely known from to historical records that the civilization, art and culture had developed well in the center of those kingdoms respectively in the Ancient Mataram Kingdom (8th - 10th Century) era, the second Mataram Kingdom (17th - 18th Century) and Sultanate Ngayogyokarto from the mid of 18th Century up today.

It should be noted that the cultural heritage from the past includes the magnificent temples, the ruins of palaces and monasteries, the various kind of traditions, cultural events, traditional folk and performing arts, architecture and other traditional activities. It is important to note that this is all part of the living culture of Yogyakarta, color of daily activities of live and the local inhabitants behavior, particularly the Javanese community with its traditional way of life and customs. Therefore, because of its culture richness and heritage, Yogyakarta has long been known as the cradle of Javanese culture.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Riau province is one of the fastest growing parts of Indonesia in terms of economic, population and tourism. Riau Province occupies the central part of eastern region on Sumatra Island, which straddles between Malacca Straits, South China Sea and Berhala Straits. The Province is a strategic region as it directly faces Malacca Straits and Singapore, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.

Riau is one of the richest provinces in Indonesia. This province is rich with natural resources, particularly petroleum and natural gas, rubber, and palm oil. The majority of the province is heavily forested lowland; logging is a major industry in the province.

Geographically, Riau Province lies on 445' North Altitude up to 115' South Longitude or 10003' up to 10919' Greenwich and 650' up to 145' West Longitude Jakarta, with natural borders as follows:
North side: North Sumatra Province, Malacca Straits
South side: Jambi Province
West Side: West Sumatra Province
East side: Riau Archipelago

Riau Province is administratively divided into 9 Regencies (Bengkalis, Indragiri Hilir, Kampar, Kuantan Singingi, Pelalawan, Rokan Hilir, Rokan Hulu, Siak) and 2 cities (Pekanbaru, Dumai), with Pekanbaru as the capital city.

This region is dominantly characterized by the sea climate with average temperature of 30°C at day and 23°C at night throughout the year. Rainy season falls on November (sometimes October) up to April while dry season begins in July. Riau has tropical climate and in general is classified into climate type "A" with relatively high rainfall, ranging from 2,000 to 3,000 mm per year in average.

Most areas in Riau are lowland plain, including alluvial islands scattered along coastal line with average elevation less than 200 m above sea level. In mainland region, there are four big rivers, i.e. Rokan River, Siak River, Kampar River and Indragiri River. These rivers spring from Bukit Barisan mountain range stretching along the border Riau Province and West Sumatra Province, and flow down to Malacca Straits. The rivers play an important role as the means of transportation, sources of irrigation, energy, and clean water as well as fishery resources. Archipelagic region of Riau, on the other hand, is formed of volcanic formation in the form of islands, big and small. The soil is in general of Organosol type (Histosol), containing much organic substance. Wide Area
The territorial size of Riau Province is 329,867.16 km consisting of land area 94,561,61 Km2 and water area 235,306,00 Km2. Riau population is 4,948,000 (2000 census).

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Central Sulawesi Province is beautiful region with its mountain; lakes and dales decorate this area. All the things are tourism potency that becomes a fascination for tourist to visit it. The fascination of main tourism in Central Sulawesi is megalith omission area of historic epoch, which stay in Bada and Besoa, however the natural beauty and sociability of its public become valuable asset for the tourism expansion in this area. Central Sulawesi is one of regional in Indonesia that has compatible solidarity between natural beauties, cultural properties and long history.

With the Government system development and people demand in Reformation era who wish the spin-offs of the region become regency, hence the Central government release policy through the constitution number 11 in 2000 about the change of the constitution number 51 in 1999 about the forming of Buol regency, Morowali regency and Banggai Island. Then through the constitution number 10 in 2002 by Central government had formed new regency in Central Sulawesi Province named Parigi Moutong regency. Thereby finite, based on the spin-offs of regency area in Central Sulawesi Propinsi, Become nine region named:
1. Donggala Regency in Donggala
2. Poso Regency in Poso
3. Banggai Regency in Luwuk
4. Toli-toli Regency in Toli-toli
5. Palu city domicile in Palu
6. Buol Regency in Buol
7. Morowali Regency in Kolonodale
8. Banggai Archipelago Regency in Banggai
9. Parigi Moutong Regency in Parigi

Central Sulawesi Province being formed with the constitution number 13 in 1964 laying between 2022' North Latitude and 3048' South Latitude and 119022' East Longitudes. Its region Boundaries is:
North side: Gorontalo Province
Eastside: Maluku Province
Side South: South Sulawesi Province and South-East Sulawesi Province.
Westside: Makassar Strait

The area wide of Central Sulawesi Province is 68033 Km2. Administratively, Central Sulawesi Province divided into eight regencies and one town with 85 Districts dan1432 village with number of residents' 2.215.449 men and density of average level is 29 men/Km2. While the resident growth rate equal to 2,59%. While the resident of Central Sulawesi Province who resided in settlement area of hinterland is 30% coastal area is 60% and archipelago area is 10%.


Formerly called the Celebes, Sulawesi is one of the world's most uniquely shaped islands. It is often referred to as the "Orchid Shaped Island". Historically, Sultans ruled this land and the Local area is Governed by regents. Today, Sulawesi is divided into four provinces, one of them being Southeast Sulawesi, covering the lower eastern leg of this beautiful island.

Southeast Sulawesi is an Indonesia province on Sulawesi Island. The capital of the province is Kendari, on the east coast of the peninsula. The province is one of the most remote regions of Sulawesi; no highway connects it to the cities on the rest of the island, so the primary transportation link is a ferry across Bone Sea between Watampone (Bone) in South Sulawesi and Kolaka port.

The population of the province is 1.771,951 (in 2000 Census), most of which is centered on Buton island of the Sulawesi south coast, and around Kendari. From the seventeenth century until the early twentieth century, the region was the site of the Buton (Butung) sultanate.

The Southeast Province is populated by more than 1,2 million people, in five diverse and interesting cultural groups: Tolaki, Morunene, Buton, Muna (Locally called Wuna), and Bajo. All offer the visitor a glimpse of life-styles, which have survived man's rush to modernization while using much of today's technology to their advantage.

Most of the land area of southeast Sulawesi is covered by natural jungle, with extensive plantations of teak and ironwood, which are used for local handicraft and contribute to the local economy. Much of the beauty of the region has been preserved for prosperity by declaring it "National Parks" and "Nature Preserve.

Wonereous animals, living freely, easily seen and appreciated by visitors, inhabit the entire province. Deer, Wild Pigs, Small Rodent-Like animals called Kus-Kus, Monkey, Snakes, Anoa (small buffalo) and numerous varieties of birds abound. But the hunting of animals is forbidden in national parks preserves and carefully controlled by local government, in other areas.

The friendly of the Sulawesi People, the local flora, fauna, and untouched beaches, are the highlights of this unique located. It is truly one of the world's last remaining. Natural habitats are waiting to show for the visitor who can appreciate such natural beauty and the people who live in it.

Welcome To Kawah Ijen

The volcanic cone of Ijen dominates the landscape at the eastern end of Java. Crater of Ijen is filled by a spectacular turquoise blue lake, its surface streaked in wind-blown patterns of yellow sulphur.

Kawah Ijen is the world's largest highly acidic lake and is the site of a labor-intensive sulfur mining operation in which sulfur-laden baskets are hand-carried from the crater floor.

Many other post-caldera cones and craters are located within the caldera or along its rim. The largest concentration of post-caldera cones forms an E-W-trending zone across the southern side of the caldera. Coffee plantations cover much of the Ijen caldera floor, and tourists are drawn to its waterfalls, hot springs, and dramatic volcanic scenery.

Kelud Mount After Eruption In November In 2007

Today, Mount kelud is very phenomenal with its new dome that exists from its lake. To reach Mount kelud, the visitors can use motorcycle and the direction come from Kediri to Wates continued to Margomulyo – Bambingan till Jurang Gelap or Mount Pedot. From Jurang Gelap till the new dome of Mount kelud is about 2 km and you can go on foot.

Mount kelud has change, it had green crater before explode, but today the beautiful crater is gone and turn up new crater that different from the previous.

The increase of Mount kelud activities from the beginning step to the next step is show phenomenal activities that never happen before. The water temperature in 1990 exploded is about 400 Celsius, and in this activity, the water temperature is increase till 77,50 Celsius, makes thermometer broken caused of high warming. The earthquake is also has increase level, both volcanic and tectonic earthquake. The earthquake is higher compare with exploded in 1990. The white and black smokes that come out from the crater is not happen in 1990.

The climax activity of Mount kelud is to turn up a dome from the lake crater in November 5, 2007 with diameter 100 meters and 20 meters height from crater water. Today, the Lava Dome still growing slowly till 200 meters height and widened to southwest side of the lake crater wide.
The first white and black smoke are detected in November 4, 2007. At that time is 200 meters height and today the wind has blow them to south side. The white smoke is come out from the dome and blow to the air till 1.000 meters height.

If this is really the end of Mount kelud and the status is normal, with Mount kelud condition at the present, then Mount kelud has a new face. With its Dome that comes from the crater, Mount kelud is more beautiful than before, add with the other phenomenal that never happen before.
Mount kelud changes with its new Dome are very interesting for visitors. The visitors can see and enjoy its new dome if the condition is really safe to be visited. The Dome is seems to be Mount kelud’s son. There is no crater-lake or green water in Mount kelud, but the new kelud presents its new dome. Fantastic and curious nature panorama.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Pavilion area
South Pavilion

In Indonesia, almost every tribe has the shape and style of different buildings, not even a rare one tribe has more than one type of traditional buildings. Building or traditional architecture they make always dilatarbetakangi by environmental conditions and cultural assets. In TMII, the picture is realized through the Pavilion, which represents tribes in 33 Provinces of Indonesia.
[Edit] Religious Buildings

Religious buildings are represented by several houses of worship officially recognized religions in Indonesia, this is to describe tolerance and harmonious relations between religions in Indonesia. Religious buildings, among others:

* Mosque of Prince Diponegoro
* Catholic Church of Santa Catharina
* Protestant Church Hallelujah
* Upgrading Pura Agung Kertabhumi
* Arya Vihara Arama Dwipa
* Sasana Adirasa Prince Samber Life
* Temple of Confucius (under construction)

Recreational Facilities
Indonesian Children's Palace
Keong Mas

* Palace of Indonesian Children
* Train hanging
* Swan Boat Arsipel Indonesia
* Among Putro Park
* Taman Ria Atmaja
* Tourism Village
* Swimming pool Snow Bay

[Edit] Parks

In TMII there are ten kinds of gardens that demonstrate the beauty of flora and fauna of Indonesia:
Spherical Cage Bird Park.

* Orchid Garden
* Garden of Life Pharmacy
* Cactus Garden
* Taman Melati
* Taman Bunga Keong Emas
* Freshwater Aquarium Fish
* Park Bekisar
* Bird Park
* Taman Ria Atmaja Park, the stage music performance
* Indonesian Chinese Cultural Park (under construction)

Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum Tumpeng shaped.

Indonesia Bali Museum architecture.

The museum is intended to showcase the history, culture, flora and fauna, as well as technology in Indonesia. There are 14 museums in TMII:

* Museum of Indonesia
* Museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi
* Museum of soldiering
* Museum Stamps
* Heritage Museum
* Museum of Transport
* Museum of Electricity and New Energy
* Museum of Telecommunications
* Museum Lighting
* Museums Sport
* Museum of Asmat
* Indonesia Komodo Museum of Wildlife and Reptile Park
* Insect Museum
* Demonstration Center Museum of Science and Technology
* Oil and Gas Museum
* Museum of Timor Leste (former East Timor platform)

Theatre or cinema

* Keong Emas IMAX Theatre IMAX Theatre At Keong Mas played a variety of films ranging from environmentally-themed films and the archipelago until the films box office that the resolution was changed to specifically for the IMAX theater. Some of them are Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Spiderman 2.
* Theatre Land Track
* 4D Theater

Jatim Park

East awa Park (JTP) is a tourist attraction that combines in a harmonious concept of education (Education) and the concept of tourism (Tourism) in one space and one time, so it can be a means of distributing information about the repertoire of science and technology (Biology / Chemistry / Mathematics / Physics), Learning Gallery Stadium that can accommodate 300 students, Student Learning Guide sheet and completeness props applied science (Indoor & Outdoor), which among others supported by PLN, Telkom, Rimba Raya and a number of Leading Universities (State and private) in East Java.

jtp_topeng.jpgSerta can be a guide to deepen insight into the nation's cultural diversity with the existence of Ethnic Archipelago Gallery and Pavilion of East Java.

Located on the eastern slope of the mountain Panderman, in the area of ± 11 acres and a height of 850m above sea level, and also supported the presence of three new rides every year which is more entertaining and fun, visitors can feel the coolness, comfort and beauty of the panorama of mountains that became the background of East Java and park Stone town.

With treats (One Stop Service) Park East Java welcoming you begin 8:30 to 4:00 p.m. pm each day.

restoran.jpgSelain is also available supporting facilities such outlets Food, Beverage, Tourism Market, Market Fruit, Vegetable Market and Gallery dude. And public facilities that no less importantly, Mosque, Clinic, Wartel, Nursery Room, Toilets and Parking representative.

Park East Java also comes with a Club Flower Boutique Resort & Cottage Park Lodging East Java that will make your tour comfortable, quiet, pleasant and not in a hurry because the location is relatively close to the Park East Java.