Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Danau Toba

Lake of the three colors Flores which is located in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), where natural beauty and a view is bound to make you addicted to coming to Lake Flores or Lake Three Colours and a more impressive again, this lake is known to have three colors.

Flores Lake is a lake with a lot of stories and mysteries.

The lake is known by three colors, namely red, blue, and white. Even so, the colors are always changing over time. Now alone, two colors of the three lakes that are brown, while the other is green.

Flores is a combination word of "Keli" meaning mountain and the word "Quality" which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the Lake Flores has the meaning of each and have a very powerful natural forces.

Flores Lake located at an altitude of 1631 meters above sea level is located at the top of Mount (Flores). The lake is also included in the Park series Flores.

Various kinds of flora that can be found around the lake include kesambi (Schleichera oleosa), Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) and perennial flower Edelweiss. While the fauna around the lake, including deer (Cervus timorensis), Pig (Sus sp.), Forest Chicken (Gallus Gallus) and Eagle (Elanus sp.)

Lake or Tiwu Flores in the top three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. Lake of the red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick. While the lake is white or "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died.

Lake Flores who has three giant puddle. Each color has a puddle of water that is always changing every year. Water in one of three pools of red and can be dark green and red hearts, in other pools of dark green to light green, and in the three pools of brown-black to blue sky.

But on October 20, 2009, Lake three colors Flores, now turned into one color, namely green, from the original color of red, white and blue. It is also menggeparkan residents who live around Lake Flores who believes that the Lake water color change as a sign of natural changes will occur incredible to watch.

All people experience anxiety with the Lake discoloration. This belief is based on the experience in 1992, along with the change in color of the lake, an earthquake that shook the island of Flores, which claimed many lives. Change the color of this lake has happened before and suddenly.

Of the three lakes, the lake is blue, rarely changing color, so that fears of a disaster which claimed casualties. Concerns of this disaster will occur, not only occur in the region of Flores Island, but Indonesia. Therefore, the wonders of the world exists in Indonesia. Along the lake color changes in the last five days, he added, there was an earthquake that shook Saumlaki, so need to watch out for the next event.

The administrative, Lake Flores is in the 3 districts, namely Detsuko District, District and Sub Ndona Wolowaru, all three are under the auspices of the Regency Ende, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Due to become one of the flagship tourist attraction for local government, the accommodation in the vicinity of the lake is considered. There is a guard hut, shelter, shelter for visitors, public toilets, parking capacity that can accommodate about 20 cars, as well as several small guesthouses for tourists who want to stay.

But until recently, Lake kelimutu remains an interesting tourist attractions and much visited by local and foreign tourists.

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